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Western State Hurricanes

Posted by dancehallhips on October 9, 2007

Today I put on the Western States’ album Trouble in the Union, wondering whatever happened to them. I had seen them once, opening for Pedro the Lion, and then struggled to find the CD. I did, and then sort of forgot about them, until today. Turns out they’re a new band called Battle Hymns. Oddly enough, they are not what this post is about.

While hitting up Wikipedia to read up on the Western States I came across another band named the Western State Hurricanes, which coincidentally enough was also from Seattle, and contained the current singer of the Long Winters. Oddly enough the Western States’ singer sounds a lot like him too, so there was momentary confusion. They only released a demo and God knows that’ll be a biotch to find. Then again, both Ben Gibbard’s Pinwheel demo and Cash Money Bros bootleg surfaced. With the internet I’m sure anything’s possible.

Also, after reading up on ’em, I learned the original line-up of the Long Winters, which was formed after the Western State Hurricanes, involved John Roderick, Sean Nelson (of Harvey Danger) AND Chris Walla (of Death Cab for Cutie). Awesome line-up.

Anyways, Here’s a bootleg:

The Western State Hurricanes – Live at Beatbox (11/29/98)


2Through With Love



5Unsalted Butter

6Seven Days




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